Flight Booking Tour Package
Moon! As Chandrayaan

Last Updated At: 01-Dec-2022

We are over the moon! As Chandrayaan 2 is all set to be a success, here’s what you need to know

Soon, One of the most ambitious space projects of India, Chandrayaan 2 will be a success, transcribing its name in Indian history forever. Apparently, the Rs 978 crore project is directed to explore the unexplored parts of the moon. 

In fact, now it is a matter of only a few hours that all the hard work of the past will bear fruits for India as a nation. While the lander will land between 01:30 am to 02:30 am tomorrow, the rover will initiate its soft landing on the moon’s surface during the early hours of Saturday morning, between 05:30 am to 06:30 am.

Minute by minute & second by second, India is inching towards the threshold of unique discovery. And what is something to be proud of is the fact that no country in the south pole region has ever done this before! The primary objective of this mission is to increase and improve our understanding of space. And for this, our moon is quite a promising testbed to see how our technologies perform?

The History

To have a quick overview, it is important to know that this idea for incorporating this mission was approved in 2008 and the launch date was set for July 22, 2019 after intense research and analysis work by our bright scientists of ISRO.

What Will Happen At 1:30 AM Tonight?

  • 35 km from the Moon's surface, Vikram will begin its final descent.
  • Approximately 10 minutes later, it will be 7.4km above the lunar surface.
  • In 89 seconds it will be around 400m above the surface.
  • When it will be 100m from the surface it will decide on which site it would be best to land on?
  • Touchdown.

What India Can Expect From This Mission?

Chandrayaan which apparently has 4 parts has been classified into the Launcher, Orbiter, and Vikram - the Lander and Pragyan Rover. The orbiter has already entered Moon’s orbit on August 28 successfully. And the landing of the rover has been scheduled for September 7, 2019.

Following the landing, the rover named Pragyan will roll out from Vikram a few hours later. The preferred landing site is between the two craters namely Mazinus and Simpelius, 350km north from Moon's the South Pole.

The main objective of Pragyan will be...

  • To gather more information about the moon’s surface.
  • To find more minerals other than hydroxyl and water molecules.
  • To gather information about atmospheric layers in Moon’s atmosphere.

Pragyan will carry out experiments on the lunar surface for a period of one lunar day which is equivalent to 14 Earth days. However, the main orbiter will continue its mission for a year.