liposuction cost in India

Liposuction Cost In India

Liposuction is a surgical method that removes fat from specific body areas, such as the buttocks, abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, and neck. Liposuction also shapes (contours) these areas. Liposuction is also called lipoplasty and body contouring.

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What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic way that removes fat that cannot be removed with diet and exercise. Plastic surgeons or dermatologists usually perform procedures on the thighs, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, back, arms, under the chin, or face to improve appearance. However, liposuction can also be performed with other cosmetic surgeries such as facelifts, breast reduction, and tummy tuck surgery.

Benefits of liposuction

Liposuction is usually done for cosmetic purposes but is sometimes used to treat certain medical conditions.

  • Lymphedema is a chronic or long-term condition in which excess fluid, known as lymphatics, builds up in tissues, causing swelling or puffiness. The swelling usually occurs in an arm or leg. Sometimes it is also used to reduce swelling, pain, and discomfort.
  • Gynecomastia: Fat is sometimes deposited under the breasts in men.
  • Lipodystrophy Syndrome: Fat assembles in one part of the body and is lost in another. Liposuction can improve a patient's appearance by enabling a more natural body fat distribution.
  • Extreme weight loss after obesity. Morbidly obese people with a BMI reduction of 40% or more may require treatment to remove excess skin and other abnormalities.
  • Lipomas: These are benign fatty tumours.

Eligibility Criteria for Liposuction

An adult within 30% of their ideal weight

Patients eligible for liposuction must weigh within 30% of their ideal body weight. Those considering liposuction should be aware that liposuction is a body sculpting procedure, not a weight loss procedure. Rapidly losing significant amounts of fat tissue negatively impacts a patient’s health and body, so patients seeking dramatic weight loss must first focus on a healthier diet and lifestyle. Once a patient is within 30% of their ideal body weight, liposuction can remove excess fatty tissue and shape the physique into a more desirable form.

Firm, elastic skin with muscle definition

Liposuction is not particularly helpful if the patient has a lot of excess loose skin. Excisional surgery, such as a tummy tuck, may provide better results in these cases. In the case of fragile and excessive skin, the problem lies not in adipose tissue but in the skin itself. Tummy tuck and liposuction can be done simultaneously. These treatment combinations are very popular in mom makeup. Ideal if the patient has also developed muscle underneath the adipose tissue. A more aesthetically pleasing muscular tone is revealed when the fat is removed.

A healthy person without conditions that hinder healing

Those considering liposuction should be aware that significant recovery and adjustment time is required after surgery. For this reason, any disease that interferes with natural healing should be fully disclosed and discussed with a physician before treatment. Liposuction is ideal for people who lead an active lifestyle and eat a balanced and nutritious diet. Their bodies are already ready to recover from surgery and show optimal results.

Have realistic expectations of the procedure.

Finally, patients considering liposuction should have realistic expectations about what to expect after the procedure. Liposuction helps remove stubborn fat deposits in problem areas of the body, especially in the lower abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and shoulders. What liposuction can't do is give you Rachel Weisz's body overnight. While this procedure certainly helps to create a more attractive physique, patients with realistic expectations get the best results from liposuction.

Therefore, suitable applicants must meet the following conditions:

  • 18 years of age or older, fit for this procedure
  • Must be in good overall health.
  • Have an ongoing diet and exercise regimen

Can the elderly do liposuction?

Age is usually not a factor that the attending physician discusses liposuction. However, in people over 65, the skin may become less elastic or partially lose elasticity.

Can men get liposuction?

Yes. Liposuction can be performed regardless of gender. For men or people who were designated male at birth, medical professionals may recommend liposuction to treat some types of gynecomastia or enlarged breast tissue in men.

Types of Liposuction Treatments

  • Tumescent liposuction - It (liquid injection) is the most common type of liposuction. A large drug solution is injected into the area before removing the fat. Sometimes the solution can be three times the amount of fat to be removed.) The fluid is a mixture of a local anaesthetic (lidocaine), a vasoconstrictor (epinephrine), and intravenous (IV) saline. Lidocaine helps numb the part during and after surgery. This may be the only anaesthesia required for the procedure. The epinephrine in the solution helps diminish blood loss, bruising, and swelling. IV solutions can help remove fat more easily. It sucks up along with the fat. The only setback of this type is that it takes longer than the others.
  • Super wet technique - The super-wet technique is similar to tumescent liposuction. The difference is that not much liquid is used during operation. The amount of liquid injected is equal to the amount of fat removed. This technique takes less time. However, sedatives (drugs that make you drowsy) or general anaesthesia (drugs that make you sleep painless) are often needed.
  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) - Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) applies ultrasonic vibrations to switch fat cells into liquid. After that, you can vacuum the cage. External (above the skin surface using a special emitter) or internal (below the skin surface using a small heated cannula) are two methods to perform UAL. This method can help remove fat from dense, fibrous (fibrous) body areas, such as the upper back or enlarged male breasts. UAL is often used in subsequent (secondary) procedures or in conjunction with tumescent technology for greater precision. Generally, this procedure takes longer than the super-wet technique.
  • Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL) - Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL) uses laser energy to dissolve fat cells. Once the cells are liquefied, they can be vacuumed or drained through a small tube. Because the tube (cannula) used during LAL is smaller than that used in conventional liposuction, surgeons prefer to use LAL in a limited area. These areas include the chin, cheeks, and face. LAL is considered more than the other methods because laser energy stimulates collagen production. As a result, you can prevent skin sagging after liposuction. Collagen is a fibrous protein that helps maintain skin structure.

Preparing for Liposuction

  • Take a healthy diet as recommended by a dietician
  • Take timely medication as prescribed by the doctor
  • Maintain Body Weight as per set goals
  • Focus on Muscle-building
  • Avoid nicotine and alcohol intake

Other Precautions

If the procedure removes only a small amount of fat, the operation can be performed on an outpatient basis. However, if you need to have a large amount of fat removed or plan to have other procedures done simultaneously, you may stay overnight in the hospital after surgery. Ask someone to take you home and stay with you for at least the first night after the procedure.

Surgery Procedure for liposuction

Before the procedure

  • Before liposuction, you will see your surgeon. What will be discussed during this consultation:
  • Your skin type.
  • Which liposuction option is right
  • Efficiency and safety of the procedure.
  • Realistic expectations of the procedure.
  • Costs
  • Complete medical history, including discussion of allergies and medications currently being taken.
  • Any other questions or problems you have?
  • If you are considering liposuction, having realistic expectations and goals is helpful. This is because liposuction treats specific areas of the body.
  • This is not a cure for obesity. Liposuction does not prevent weight gain or gain.
  • Before liposuction is performed, the doctor may mark circles and lines on the area of ​​the body to be treated. You can also take photos to compare before and after photos.
  • The liposuction procedure depends on the technique used. The surgeon selects the appropriate technique based on the treatment goals, the area of ​​the body being treated, and whether or not other liposuction procedures have been performed in the past.

During the surgery

  • Some liposuction procedures may need local anaesthesia. Anesthesia is bounded to specific areas of the body. Other procedures may require general anaesthesia, which may cause temporary unconsciousness. Sedatives are usually given intravenously to keep you calm and comfortable.
  • The surgical team monitors the patient's heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen levels during the procedure. Apply local anaesthesia and inform your doctor if you feel pain during the procedure.
  • You may need to adjust your medications or movements.
  • Depending on the amount of fat removed, the procedure may take up to several hours.
  • If you are under general anaesthesia, you will wake up in the recovery room. You usually spend at least a few hours in a hospital or clinic so that medical staff can monitor your recovery. If you are in the hospital, you may stay overnight to ensure you are not in shock due to dehydration or losing body fluids.

Post Procedure

After liposuction, your doctor will tell you about

  • Surgical site management methods.
  • Medicines you may need.
  • Next appointment.
  • Complications to watch out for.
  • Liposuction can remove fat and fat cells from certain body areas, but it is essential to remember that you may still gain weight after liposuction.

After recovery, your doctor will discuss the results and how to maintain your new look after surgery. As you recover, your body may show signs of healing, such as:

  • Bruises.
  • Oedema.
  • Pain.

These marks disappear as the body heals. However, if the pain is alarming, consult your doctor.

You may be required to have on a compression garment over the treated area for several weeks to shorten recovery time or reduce swelling and pain. This garment reduces puffiness and helps the skin adapt to its new contours. Sometimes, temporary incisional drainage may be needed to remove excess blood or fluid. Your doctor will advise you on recovery time, what to look out for, and how to relieve discomfort.

Potential Risks and Complications

Like any major surgery, liposuction carries risks such as bleeding and reactions to anaesthesia. Possible complications associated with liposuction include -

  • Contour Irregularities
  • Fluid Accumulation
  • Numbness
  • Infections
  • Internal Puncture
  • Fat Embolism
  • Kidney and Heart Issues
  • Lidocaine Toxicity

The risk of complications increases when surgeons operate on large areas of the body or perform multiple procedures during the same operation. Discuss with the surgeon how these risks apply to you.

The Average Cost of Liposuction

The cost of liposuction in India varies from INR 20,000 to over INR 5,00,000, depending on the amount of fat removed.

Alternatives to Liposuction

Liposuction has been one of the most favoured and highly effective cosmetic procedures for many years, and for a good reason. This surgery is safe, effective, and permanently reduces body fat and improves body shape.

Nonsurgical or minimally invasive alternatives to liposuction have become trendy in recent years. These body-shaping procedures typically require no incisions or anaesthesia and often have little downtime. Liposuction is particularly effective for removing fat from the legs, abdomen, back, arms, face, and neck. It gives more impressive results than other non-invasive fat reduction procedures. Still, it has a longer recovery time (up to 6 weeks) and is usually more expensive than non-surgical procedures. Non-surgical fat reduction uses various techniques to target and remove unwanted fat cells through local, non-surgical procedures.

Key Takeaways

Liposuction is a procedure that removes small amounts of fat deposits. It is suitable for those who need to remove fat from specific body areas. The procedure is safe and has a short recovery time. Liposuction is the best option for removing large areas of fat. However, Liposuction has a longer recovery time and greater risks. People who want to lose weight should eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. It is important to do this after both treatments to maintain fat loss.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Liposuction

Ques 1. How much does liposuction cost?
Ans. The cost of liposuction in India varies from INR 20,000 to over INR 5,00,000, depending on the amount of fat removed.

Ques 2. Does insurance cover liposuction costs?
Ans. Health insurance does not cover liposuction. This is because these policies are not intended for elective cosmetic procedures. However, in the case of procedures classified as reconstruction, medical expenses incurred are covered by health insurance.

Ques 3. What is the cost associated with different types of liposuction?

  • Tumescent liposuction - 1000 rub. 25,000 to rupees. About 100,000
  • Power Liposuction - Rs. 35,000 rupees to 140,000
  • Laser Liposuction - Rs. 50,000 to 180,000
  • Ultrasonic Liposuction - Rs.50,000 to rupees. 210,000

Ques 4. Are there any alternative treatment options that may be more cost-effective?
Ans. Nonsurgical or minimally invasive alternatives to liposuction have become popular in recent years. These body-shaping procedures typically require no incisions or anaesthesia and often have a little downtime.

Ques. 5 How can I plan for and manage the financial burden of liposuction?
Ans. Generally, health insurance does not cover liposuction if you plan to have it for cosmetic reasons. But don't worry; many hospitals offer free EMI services to patients who want liposuction on more than one body part but don't have the financial stability to pay all at once.

The free EMI service allows patients to split all costs into simple payments and pay at their discretion over some time. Therefore, if you want to eliminate belly fat, buttocks, back, arms, thighs, and breasts, you can receive treatment after consulting an experienced plastic surgeon.

Ques. 6 Can I use the medical loan or crowdfunding to cover the liposuction cost?
Ans. If you or your family needs financial assistance with medical bills. It has many of India's largest crowdfunding platforms raising over 240 crores for medical and personal needs.

Ques. 7 What are the different types of liposuction available?
Ans. There are several different methods of liposuction. They all have in common that they use a thin tube called a cannula connected to a vacuum tube to suck fat out of the body.

Tumescent liposuction is the most common method. The surgeon injects a sterile solution into the fat removal area. It consists of a saline solution - brine - with lidocaine and adrenaline. This solution facilitates liposuction with less bleeding and pain.

Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction (UAL) uses sound wave energy under the skin to rupture the fat cell walls. This will liquefy the fat and allow it to be sucked out.

Laser-assisted liposuction operates with the help of a laser to create pulses of energy to liquefy the fat.


PLEASE NOTE: The medical/health information on our website is for information purposes and not a substitute for medical advice.
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