Invisalign Aligners Costs in India

Everything You Need to Know About Invisalign Aligners Costs in India

India is fast becoming the destination for Westerners seeking affordable medical procedures. Its high English proficiency among the population is essential to its popularity. Also, the Indian government has taken steps to improve infrastructure to support the growth of medical tourism. All these factors make India a good choice for those seeking quality healthcare at a low cost.

You may have considered different teeth straightening options if searching for a flawless smile.

However, you might be surprised to learn about a groundbreaking dental treatment that can change your preconceptions about traditional metal braces—introducing "invisible aligners" - an innovative solution in dentistry. This article aims to equip readers with comprehensive knowledge about Invisalign aligners in India, covering various aspects such as benefits, types, and costs. Before opting for this revolutionary treatment, read on to discover everything you need to know.

Dental tourism involves the patient travelling to another country to receive dental care or specialised services at a low cost. While not a new concept, this trend is growing as more people seek affordable dental care and other medical treatments. The main motivation for dental treatment is efficiency, but some patients seek specialised treatments unavailable in their home country.

What are Invisalign Aligners?

Invisalign is a modern dental treatment that corrects misaligned teeth without braces. This treatment consists of plates that fit the teeth and gently move them into the correct position. Unlike traditional aligners, these are made of transparent material, making them less visible and more hidden. They're also removable, allowing you to eat, drink and clean your teeth unhindered. Invisalign invisible aligners provide an easy and effective way for people looking for a less visible way to improve their smile.

Benefits of Invisalign Aligners

  • Comfortable: Removable aligners offer a better experience than traditional aligners. Wire ropes can irritate and cut the lips and chin, causing pain. In contrast, the invisible aligners are custom-made of quality material with smooth edges for a snug fit and to prevent discomfort.
  • Hygiene: With traditional braces, cleaning around and inside the braces can be difficult, causing plaque and tooth decay. In contrast, Invisalign clear aligners are removable, so you can continue with your regular dental care.
  • Less Dental Appointments: Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners require fewer visits to the dentist and shorter appointment times. You usually see your dentist every four to six weeks for your next procedure.

Eligibility Criteria for Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign is an excellent option for adults and children who want to straighten teeth. Invisalign is for adults with complex problems, while Invisalign Lite only straightens the front teeth. For younger patients, Invisalign Teen is often prescribed as it is age appropriate. Since this treatment is almost invisible, it is ideal for those who want to straighten their teeth without anyone noticing.

Types of Invisalign Aligners

Different types of Invisalign Aligners are:

  • Invisalign Express: A quick fix for minor tooth crowding or other minor issues, Invisalign Express is a six-month treatment using ten sets of plates for a healthy and happy smile. Adults who need minor and urgent dental care, especially front teeth, can benefit from this treatment.
  • Invisalign i7: Invisalign i7 offers a faster way to achieve the desired dental treatment, requiring only seven aligners to solve minor problems.
  • Invisalign Lite: Invisalign Lite is an alternative treatment for people with more advanced dental problems that cannot be treated with Invisalign Express. It balances effective treatment with fast results, using 14 plates for six months or more as part of regular treatment.
  • Invisalign Full: Invisalign Full is for people with moderate to severe orthodontic problems that can be resolved without traditional dentistry. Treatment involves wearing Invisalign aligners at all times for 12 to 18 months.

Preparing for an Invisalign Aligner

  • Brush Regularly: Brush after every meal to complement your Invisalign treatment and keep your teeth clean to avoid problems like cavities and gum disease.
  • To make life easier with Invisalign, take a dental kit with essentials such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, and dental tools.
  • Invisalign should be worn 20-22 hours daily to achieve desired results. Long snacking and leaving trays out for too long can cause tooth decay.

Procedure for Invisalign Aligners

  • Initial Meeting: During your first visit, your dentist will examine your mouth and discuss your dental needs. They will assess whether Invisalign fits your needs and advise you on other options if necessary. If you are an Invisalign candidate, your orthodontist will discuss treatment options and the timing required.
  • Digital Impression: The next step is to create a digital tooth mould. This can be done during your first meeting or in a separate appointment. Scans, photos and x-rays are taken to create a complete model of your teeth and then sent to the Invisalign Lab to create your custom braces.
  • Placement of your first aligners: When your aligners are ready, you will return to the dentist to place them. Your dentist will place small buttons on your teeth to help hold the tray.
  • Appointment: You will return to the dentist for a check-up in a few weeks. Your dentist will measure your teeth' movement and braces' fit. Unlike traditional brackets, you don't have to visit the dentist whenever you get a new plate.

How do you care for Invisalign aligners?

Good hygiene is essential to protecting your Invisalign aligners. Remove them before eating or drinking, and brush your teeth before putting them back on. Gargling isn't enough, so don't make it a habit. The advantage is that you can eat whatever you want during the treatment.

Cost of Invisalign Aligners

Prices range from *Rs 150,000 to Rs 350,000 and vary from person to person. The cost of Invisalign treatment varies depending on the complexity of your case and how many aligners you need. Invisalign costs the same as regular braces and has characteristics such as being removable for eating and brushing teeth.

Outcomes and Success Rates of Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign Aligners have a high success rate, with approximately 96% of patients achieving desired results and being satisfied with their treatment. The treatment usually takes 9-12 months and can solve many dental problems such as overbite, crossbite, gap and crowding.

Living with an Invisalign Aligner

Invisalign is a simple treatment that can be adapted to many lifestyles and needs. So whether you're a student, busy person, or have a lifestyle, Invisalign can work for you without significant disruption to your daily life. With Invisalign, you don't have to worry about major lifestyle changes or interruptions.

Alternatives of Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign may be the most popular choice for solution seekers, but each patient has unique needs, concerns, and finances. Some people care more about beauty than price, while others look for cheaper solutions. Other alignment companies on the market offer Invisalign at reasonable prices, such as

  • Clear cut,
  • Clearpath,
  • Candid co,
  • Flash aligners, etc.

To Sum Up

Medical tourism provides a solution for international patients seeking medical and dental treatment in India. Medical tourism allows patients to get the necessary care more quickly and efficiently. First, however, patients must conduct thorough research and gain an understanding of the cost, types, and advantages of Invisalign aligners in India before commencing their treatment journey.

At, we understand the challenges of medical tourism and strive to make the process as smooth as possible for patients seeking Invisalign treatment in India. Our services range from booking flights and accommodations to providing comprehensive end-to-end assistance. We also provide valuable information on Invisalign aligners in India, empowering patients to make informed decisions. With, you can be confident in our commitment to ensuring your medical journey in India is successful.


Q. How much do Invisalign aligners cost?
The cost of Invisalign treatment in India can vary from *Rs. 150,000 to Rs. 350,000 is subject to various factors, such as the case's complexity, the doctor or clinic you choose, and other related factors.

Q. Does insurance cover Invisalign aligners costs?
Most dental insurance plans in India do not cover Invisalign treatment. However, Invisalign offers patients flexible payment options through monthly EMIs. The total cost of clear aligners for each patient will vary based on the severity of the malocclusion and other individual needs.

Q. How can I plan for and manage the financial burden of Invisalign aligners
A. Planning and managing the financial burden of Invisalign aligners can be complex, but there are ways to make it more manageable. Here are some tips:

  • research your insurance plan,
  • create a budget,
  • and use flexible payment options

Q. Can I use a medical loan or crowdfunding to cover Invisalign aligners costs in India?
A. Consider using a medical loan for your Invisalign aligners in India. Many financial institutions offer medical loans to cover medical expenses, including dental care.

Q. Are there any alternative treatment options that may be more cost-effective?
A. Yes, there are other treatment options for Invisalign aligners. One such option is traditional metal brackets, often less expensive than Invisalign. Another option is ceramic braces, which look like metal but are made of a clear material or tooth colour, so they're less visible.

*It defines the approximate value


PLEASE NOTE: The medical/health information on our website is for information purposes and not a substitute for medical advice.
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