Braces treatment cost In India

Braces treatment Cost In India

Do you have misaligned teeth? Want to get them corrected in good shape? Braces are a very common treatment used to correct misaligned or crooked teeth, bad bites or enhance facial growth. The cost of orthodontic treatments in India can vary depending on the braces cost in India you choose and your dental needs.

So If you’re looking for braces treatment in India, you should consider medical tourism services as they can help you choose the right orthodontist who can help you with braces.

What is a Braces Treatment Procedure?

Orthodontic or braces treatment is a process that can correct misalignments and malocclusions, improving oral health and enhancing smile aesthetics. While the most common treatment method is traditional metal braces, lingual braces attached to the backs of teeth are also available for patients who may prefer this option or wish to have less visible braces.

During the treatment phase, you’ll visit the clinic regularly to have your brackets and wires adjusted by the orthodontist to ensure your teeth are moving in the direction you want them. You’ll need to wear them full-time for at least a few months to allow your teeth and gums to settle down.

Once you’ve finished your treatment, it’s time to remove your braces. This is a simple and painless process, but you’ll need to wait one or two days for your removable retainers to be ready.

What Are the Different Types of Braces In India?

Here we explained all the braces used to correct the position of misaligned teeth.

Metal braces - These metal braces come in various colours; patients can customise them with coloured bands.

  • Cost - INR 25,000* to INR 50,000*

Clear or ceramic braces - They are also available and have tooth-coloured brackets that blend in with the rest of your teeth. These braces are more discreet than traditional metal braces and can be an ideal option for adults who want to take photos or attend important events without drawing too much attention to their mouths.

  • Cost - INR 28,000* to INR 60,000*

Lingual braces - They are less noticeable than traditional braces, and many patients prefer them because they are more comfortable to wear.

  • Cost - INR 70,000* to INR 2 Lakh*

Invisible braces (also known as clear aligners) - They are an innovative way of straightening your teeth without anyone knowing you are wearing them.

  • Cost - INR 1 Lakh* to INR 2 Lakh*

How Do You Prepare For A Dental Braces Treatment?

To correct your misaligned teeth, you need braces, but before, you need to do some preparation. Let’s check.

  • Tests - The first orthodontist checks your teeth condition, like what kind of misalignment you have. Based on that, they suggest you the types of braces you need.
  • Meet the doctor to solve your queries - If you feel confused or doubtful, you can ask all your queries your orthodontist as they can help you clear your doubt.
  • Recommendations by a doctor - Before braces treatment, doctors recommend you to stay away from some specific food or give you some instructions. So make sure you follow all the recommendations given by your orthodontist.

What Are The Risks Associated With Braces?

Let’s see some risks associated with braces.

  • Due to braces, sometimes it’s difficult to clean teeth properly, which sometimes leads to tooth decay or deposition of plaque.
  • Ankylosis
  • Small injuries in soft tissues
  • Cavities
  • Chances of gum diseases

What Is The Braces Cost In India?

The cost of these types of braces is a bit higher than conventional metal brackets and wires. The price of Invisible braces in India is slightly more than traditional braces, but they are worth it for the aesthetic and functional benefits they bring to their users.

Types of Braces & Cost

  • Metal Braces - INR 25,000* to INR 50,000*
  • Clear or Ceramic Braces - INR 28,000* to INR 60,000*
  • Lingual Braces - INR 70,000* to INR 2 Lakh*
  • Invisible Braces - INR 1 Lakh* to INR 2 Lakh*

*Cost varies from hospital to hospital

The success rate of braces varies as it depends on the age of the patients. Adults of age groups from 20 years to 47 years have a success rate of around 70%, and for children ranging from 12 years to 16 years, the success rate is around 100%.

What Factors Can Affect The Cost of Braces In India?

The cost of braces is a big topic for many people, and many factors can determine how much you pay.

Location - Always choose a hospital in an excellent hygienic location surrounded by several amenities. It also affects your braces' treatment cost but helps you to get good treatment.

Procedure - This is the most crucial factor which affects the cost of braces and treatment in India.

  • Metal braces - INR 25,000* to INR 50,000*
  • Clear or ceramic braces - INR 28,000* to INR 60,000*
  • Lingual braces - INR 70,000* to INR 2 Lakh*
  • Invisible braces - INR 1 Lakh* to INR 2 Lakh*

Doctor Credentials - Choosing the best orthodontist is another factor which affects the cost. A well-trained and experienced orthodontist charges higher but can help you to overcome your teeth misalignment problem.

*Cost of treatment varies from procedure to procedure.

What Are The Available Financing Options For Braces Cost In India?

Many orthodontic providers in India offer consumer finance options to make the treatment affordable.

  • Personal loans - Personal loan options come with low-Interest rates and are payable instantly. This kind of loan allows you to pay all your costs that can be tapped into for treatments like braces.
  • EMI options - If a loan does not cover you, EMI options may help you spread the cost of your treatment over flexible payments. 

Key Takeaways 

If you have a serious case of teeth misalignment, your treatment will require more time and attention from an orthodontist than if you only have minor alignment issues. This will also likely result in more supplemental attachments and affects braces treatment costs. The overall braces cost in India ranges from INR 25,000* to INR 2 Lakhs*.

*Cost varies from hospital to hospital 

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FAQs About Braces Cost in India

Ques 1. How soon can a person resume normal life after braces treatment?
Ans 1.
If you recently underwent braces treatment, you can resume your normal life after a few checkups on the same day, as it does not require specific rest.

Ques 2. Is braces treatment very costly?
Ans 2.
The cost depends on the type of braces you incorporate into your teeth. Usually, the cost ranges are from INR 25,000* to INR 2 Lakhs*.

Ques 3. Can anyone get braces on their teeth?
Ans 3.
No, if your teeth show some kind of misalignment, you need braces to make them in the correct shape and alignment.

Ques 4. How long must one stay in the hospital after braces incorporation?
Ans 4.
After placing braces on your teeth, doctor asks you to stay for a few more checkups. Usually, you need to stay a few hours to 1 day in the hospital.

Ques 5. How long does braces treatment take?
Ans 5.
The procedure for placing a brace on teeth takes 1 to 2 hours as it includes many steps, like cleaning your teeth and drying them to ensure that braces won’t hurt nearby regions.

PLEASE NOTE: The medical/health information on our website is for information purposes and not a substitute for medical advice.
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