機票預訂 旅遊套票
印度的 shakti peethas

印度排名前 7 位的 Shakti Peethas

India is a spiritual land. We have always placed immense faith in our Gods and Goddesses, manifestations of limitless power. Devi or Mother Goddess has always constituted the major part of Devotional Hinduism. Are you wondering how many shakti peethas in India? There are 51 Shakti Peethas in India devoted to Devi Shakti, considered the power of Lord Shiva, the destroyer of Evil. Devi took birth or was incarnated as Parvati or Sati on the Earth. Devi Sati was the daughter of Prajapati Daksha, and Goddess Parvati was the daughter of the Himalayas. A lot of temples or Shakti peethas in India and abroad are constructed to signify her presence. These are the most revered places in the country, becoming one of India's most visited pilgrimage destinations. These are spiritually energetic and rich places visited by many devotees to seek the blessings of Devi Shakti. Here are some of the most famous Shakti peethas in India. So, if you are a spiritual seeker, then, we advise you to go through our list of top 7 Shakti peeth in India. Also, you will get an amazing chance to unlock 44 other Shaktipeeth in India at the bottom of our informative article. Keep reading! 

List Of Top 7 Shakti Peethas In India (2024)

There are 51 seats of power in the list of total Shakti Peeth in India. These are the most popular 7 Shakti peeth in India devoted to Hinduism's chief deity of energy and power. You can explore the rest of the 44 Shakti peeth in India in the comprehensive table given at the end of this article.

  • 烏代浦的 Tripura Sundari 神廟
  • 古瓦哈提的卡瑪加神廟
  • Birbhum 的 Nalateshwari 神廟
  • Birbhum 的塔拉皮斯神廟
  • Vishalaxmi Devi Temple in Varanasi
  • 加爾各答的 Kalighat 神廟
  • 烏賈因的馬哈卡利神廟 

1.烏代布爾的Tripura Sundari Temple

烏代浦的 Tripura Sundari 神廟

This temple is also called Matabari, the abode of Mother. The temple is located on the fringes of 特里普拉邦的烏代布爾. It is approximately 51 km from Agartala City amidst a peaceful, calm, and serene environment. Constant hymn chanting by the priests and devotees and the melodic sounds of bells create a divine and spiritual ambience. Devotees visit these Shakti peeth in India to find themselves immersing in these sounds and feeling a connection with the Adi Shakti. It is at this spot that the foot of Devi Sati fell. Here, the Goddess is worshipped as 'Soroshi,' a sixteen-year-old girl. The square-shaped sanctum or garbhgriha of the temple resembles a Bengali hut.

  • 專業貼士: When visiting this temple, remember to seek the deity's blessings and ask her for them. It is believed that the Goddess fulfils the wishes of the devotees who come here.

2. 卡瑪迦寺 位於古瓦哈提

古瓦哈提 Kamakhya 神廟的信徒蜂擁而至

The Kamakhya Temple, devoted to Devi Kamakhya, is another most visited and widely recognised as the most powerful Shakti Peeth in India that invokes divine magic. The temple is perched atop Nilachal Mountain in 高哈蒂. It is the seat of Supreme Energy or Maha Shakti. Thousands of devotees visit this temple during the Ambubachi Mela. As per Devi Purana, the female reproductive organ or Mahamudra of Devi fell in a cave. It is worshipped in the temple in the form of a stone. As per Puranas, Devi Kamakhya starts menstruating in mid-June, continuing for three days. During these three days, no homage or prayers are offered to the deity. There are many other sacred temples located in the main temple complex dedicated to different incarnations of Durga and Lord Shiva.

  • 專業貼士: When visiting this Shakti peeth in India, take a dip in Saubhagya Kunda. It is believed that people taking a dip in the Holy Kund can look forward to a brighter future and get rid of various ailments.

閱讀更多 : 喬蒂爾林加斯在印度

3. Birbhum 的 Nalateshwari 神廟

印度的 Shakti Peethas - Birbhum 的 Nalateshwari 神廟
Birbhum 的 Nalateshwari 神廟

It is the most powerful Shakti peeth in India, located amidst nature's unparalleled beauty. It is a calm and quiet temple town along the banks of River Brahmani. This temple is devoted to the incarnation of Goddess Kali. As per Devi Purans, it is the place where the vocal chord with a part of the trachea had fallen. Situated atop a hillock, the walls of this beautiful temple are covered with impressive terracotta panels. Devotees seek the blessings of Devi and pray to get their wishes fulfilled.

  • 專業貼士: It is believed that tying a yellow or red thread on the trunk of a tree on the temple grounds helps fulfil a devotee's wishes.

4. Birbhum 的 Tarapith 神廟

Birbhum 的塔拉皮斯神廟
Birbhum 的塔拉皮斯神廟

This temple, often regarded as one of the most visited Shakti peethas in India, is dedicated to Goddess Durga. This is a mystical shrine located in the Birbhum District, West Bengal. It is one of the ancient temples that celebrates twelve incarnations of Goddess Kali, also referred to as Goddess Tara. As per Devi Puranas, the tara or eyeball of Sati dropped here. This temple is a hub of offerings and tantric and supernatural activities. The temple also has a crematorium or samsana adjacent to it. There are a lot of myths associated with this temple located in a quaint background. The ardent devotion of the devotees has made this temple one of the must-visit shakti peeth in India. The deity's face is made of silver and has two hands, unlike other forms of Goddess Kali. She wears a garland of a snake on her neck and Lord Shiva sucking her breast as a kid. Daily Puja is performed by a priest who offers the blood of sacrificial goats at the altar of the temple.

  • 專家提示- People firmly believe in the significance and mysticism of this temple. It is said none of the devotees coming here goes back empty-handed.

閱讀更多 : Mysterious Facts About Puri’s Jagannath Temple

5. 瓦拉納西的 Vishalakshmi Devi 神廟

瓦拉納西的 Vishalakshmi Devi 神廟

這是一座建於 瓦拉納西. This Shakti peeth in India is considered the abode of Vishalakshi and attracts thousands of devotees for a pilgrimage. Close to the banks of the Holy Ganges, the temple is located on a divine land. It is here where the earrings of Devi Sati fell. The Goddess is a manifestation of Shiva and is described as the shakti or energy of Lord Vishwanath. Devotees seek blessings from the Goddess and take a plunge in the Holy waters of River Ganga. It is believed that people who breathe their last in this city get Moksha and find liberation from the cycle of rebirth. Their soul finds salvation.

  • 專家提示- It is believed that unmarried girls praying at this temple get a partner they deserve. People get their wishes fulfilled.

6. 加爾各答的 Kalighat 神廟

加爾各答的 Kalighat 神廟
加爾各答的 Kalighat 神廟

A truly majestic temple devoted to Goddess Kali, the Kalighat Temple draws many devotees from different parts of the country. As one of the most revered shakti peeth in India, this temple is believed to be the place where the toes of Goddess Sati's right foot fell. The temple follows the Siddha tradition that talks about different forms of yoga. The statue of the deity is very impressive and truly distinctive from other temples. Huge eyes, golden hands, and a golden protruding tongue make this statue truly unique. When giving her a holy bath on Snanaytara, the priests keep their eyes covered with a cloth.

  • 專家提示- You can try paying a visit to this temple on Tuesday, Saturday, or Ashtami and participate in special prayers.

閱讀更多 : 印度的神秘神廟



Maha Kali 是 Adi Shakti 的憤怒化身或表現。 這座寺廟在 烏賈因 is the most popular Shakti peeth in India, located atop a small hillock along the banks of the Kshipra River. Ujjain is considered as the Royal seat of Devi Mahakali and Vikramaditya. It is believed that the upper lip of Goddess Sati fell here. It is one of the major worshipping places for Goddess Kali's devotees, where she is worshipped in her fierce form.

  • 專家提示- Plan to visit this temple on Ashwin Navratri or Chaitra Navratri and worship the Goddess, seeking her blessings for good fortune.

印度的 Shakti peethas 名單非常廣泛。 計劃參觀這些朝聖地時,請聯繫 杜鵑花 最好的旅遊套餐。

除了前面提到的這些Shakti Peethas,薩蒂的身體部位掉落的地方還有很多。 所以這裡是 51 Shakti Peethas 的完整列表以及它們的位置和最近的機場。 查看!

S.No 寺廟 活動地點 身體的一部分 最近的機場
1 阿瑪納特·沙克蒂·皮斯 佔木與喀什米爾邦 喉嚨 查謨
2 阿塔哈薩·沙克蒂·普拉拉 西孟加拉邦 Birbhum 區 下唇 加爾各答
3 德維巴胡拉 西孟加拉邦凱圖蘭 左臂 巴爾達曼
4 巴克雷什瓦爾·沙克蒂·馬希什馬爾迪尼 巴克什瓦爾 (西孟加拉邦) label 杜爾加布爾
5 拜拉夫·帕爾瓦特·沙克蒂·阿凡提 烏賈因,中央邦 肘部 印多爾
6 巴瓦尼普爾·沙克蒂·阿帕納 孟加拉國 Sherpur 村 左腳鍊 達卡
7 甘達基錢迪 尼泊爾 前額 加德滿都
8 賈納斯坦·沙克蒂·巴拉馬里 馬哈拉施特拉邦納西克 下巴 孟買
9 沙克蒂科塔里 巴基斯坦興拉吉 頭頂 大甲魚
10 賈揚蒂·沙克蒂·皮斯 Jaintia Hills District, 梅加拉亞邦 左大腿 西隆
11 沙克蒂約格甚瓦里 孟加拉國庫爾納區 手掌&腳掌& 達卡
12 賈瓦拉·沙克蒂·皮斯 喜馬偕爾邦康格拉 舌頭 康格拉
13 沙克蒂卡利卡 卡利加特 (西孟加拉邦) 右腳趾 加爾各答
14 卡爾馬達夫沙克蒂卡利 中央邦 Shahdol 區 左臀部 賈巴爾普爾
15 沙克蒂·卡馬基亞 阿薩姆邦瓜瓦哈蒂 生殖器 高哈蒂
16 沙克蒂·德維·加爾巴 西孟加拉邦 Birbhum 區 骨盆 杜爾加布爾
17 沙克蒂·斯拉瓦尼 Kanyakumari, 泰米爾納德邦 特里凡得瑯
18 沙克蒂·查蒙德斯瓦里& Mysuru 耳朵 Mysuru
19 沙克蒂維姆拉 西孟加拉邦穆爾希達巴德區 Crown 冠 加爾各答
20 庫馬里·沙克蒂·佩斯 西孟加拉邦卡納庫爾 右肩 加爾各答
21 沙克蒂巴拉瑪里 賈爾派古里 (西孟加拉邦) 左腿 巴多格拉
22 沙克蒂·達克沙亞尼 西藏曼薩羅佛 右手 納格里群沙
23 沙克蒂伽亞特里 拉賈斯坦邦阿杰梅爾 齋浦爾
24 沙克蒂烏瑪 尼泊爾米蒂拉 左肩 加德滿都
25 沙克蒂因德拉克什 斯里蘭卡納魯爾 短襪 賈夫納
26 沙克蒂馬哈希拉 加德滿都,尼泊爾 雙膝 加德滿都
27 沙克蒂巴瓦尼 孟加拉國吉大港 右臂 達卡
28 沙克蒂瓦拉希 北方邦瓦拉納西 下牙 瓦拉納西
29 沙克蒂·錢德拉巴加 古吉拉特邦朱納加爾 拉傑果德
30 沙克蒂拉麗塔 Prayagraj, 北方邦 手指 阿拉哈巴德
31 沙克蒂薩維特里 哈里亞納邦庫魯克舍特拉 踝骨 昌迪加爾
32 沙克蒂希瓦尼 中央邦薩特納區 右胸 克久拉霍
33 沙克蒂南迪尼 西孟加拉邦 Birbhum 區 項鍊 加爾各答
34 科蒂林格甚瓦拉·沙克蒂·拉基尼 安德拉邦& 奇克斯 馬杜拉普迪
35 奈娜德維 Rupnagar, 喜馬偕爾邦 右眼 昌迪加爾
36 沙克蒂納爾默達 中央邦阿馬爾坎塔克 右臀部 賈巴爾普爾
37 沙克蒂桑達里 斯里賽蘭,安得拉邦 右腳鍊 海得拉巴
38 沙克蒂·瑪哈·拉克希米 孟加拉國章普爾村 頸部 達卡
39 沙克蒂納拉亞尼 Kanyakumari, 泰米爾納德邦 上牙 特里凡得瑯
40 力量力量 孟加拉國巴里薩爾 鼻子 達卡
41 沙克蒂·特里普爾·桑達爾 烏代布爾,特里普拉 右腳 阿加塔拉&
42 沙克蒂·曼加爾·錢迪卡 西孟加拉邦 Burdwan 區 右手腕 加爾各答
43 沙克蒂·維沙拉克希 北方邦瓦拉納西 耳環 瓦拉納西
44 沙克蒂卡帕里尼 西孟加拉邦 Medinipur 區 左腳踝 加爾各答
45 沙克蒂安比卡 拉賈斯坦邦 Bharatpur 區 左腳趾 阿格拉
46 沙克蒂烏瑪 馬圖拉,北方邦 捲髮 阿格拉
47 沙克蒂·特里普爾馬利尼 旁遮普邦賈朗達爾 左乳房 阿姆利則
48 沙克蒂安巴 古吉拉特邦加巴爾山 心的一部分 艾哈邁達巴德
49 沙克蒂傑杜爾加 Deogarh, 賈坎德邦 心之二 巴特那
50 沙克蒂·丹特什瓦里 巴斯塔 (恰蒂斯加爾邦) 賴布爾
51 沙克蒂維姆拉 Jajpur near&布巴內斯瓦爾,奧里薩邦 布巴內斯瓦爾

So, are you ready to dive into the spiritual magic and power of the Shakti peeth in India? If your answer is yes, then, hurry up and book now with 阿多旅行網! Make your spiritual exploration journey 10 times smoother and enjoyable with the 24/7 assistance of our expert team! Get ready for a journey like never before.



關於印度 Shakti Peethas 的常見問題

Q1. What is Shakti Peeth?
A1。 Shakti Peeth 是 Sati 的受人尊敬的聖地,分佈在全國各地。 所有這些朝聖目的地在性力派中都具有巨大的價值,因為這些被認為是濕婆神悲痛地抬著她的屍體時薩蒂的身體部位掉落的地方。

Q2。 Vaishno Devi 是 Shakti Peeth 嗎?
A2。 位於 Katra 的 Vaisno Devi 寺廟是 108 座 Maha Shakti Peethas 之一。 這座寺廟供奉著杜爾迦 (Maa Durga),是印度最受歡迎的朝聖地之一,有大量信徒前來參觀。

Q3。 Shakti Peeth位於中國嗎?
A3。 Dakshayani Shakti Peeth 屬於中國領土。 Maa Sati 這個重要的座位是她右手落下的地方。 這座古老的寺廟也被稱為 Manasa Shaktipeeth,位於西藏的 Mansarovar 附近。

Q4。 哪些是印度以外的 Shakti Peeth?
A4。 是的,在印度以外有許多 Shakti Peeth。 根據聖母德維博伽瓦譚的說法,有 51 個 Shakti peethas 分佈在印度和孟加拉國、尼泊爾、斯里蘭卡、中國和巴基斯坦等鄰國。

Q5. How many Shakti Peethas are there in the world?
A5。 根據各種神話參考資料,Shakti Peethas 的數量從 18、51、68 和 108 不等。所有這些重要的 Sati 席位都散佈在印度及其鄰國周圍。

Q6. 印度有多少 Shakti Peethas?
A6。 印度有 51 個 shakti peethas 遍布全國各地。 這些比薩已成為著名的朝聖地,吸引了大批信徒。 

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